Acknowledging the Past, (Re) Imagining the Future
At the national level, we focus on several key research priorities to enhance our understanding of the development, stability, and effectiveness of state institutions. These priority areas are:​
​Decentralization and Federalism: Decentralization and federalism are central to the state building process in the region. This involves analysing the impact of federalism on state building efforts, particularly in terms of power-sharing, resource allocation, and conflict resolution. Additionally, it examines the implementation of decentralized governance structures and their implications for local administration and the delivery of services.
​Constitutional Reforms: The ongoing process of constitutional reform in Somalia is a critical area for research. This entails assessing the progress of constitutional reform efforts and investigating the constitution's role in defining state structure, authority, and fundamental rights.
​Security Sector Reform (SSR): The comprehensive transformation of Somalia's security sector is a crucial research niche. It includes the development of national security forces, disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs. Moreover, SSR research evaluates the impact of these efforts on national security and overall stability.
​Reconciliation and Conflict Resolution: This research area is important for understanding the reconciliation mechanisms and initiatives in the Horns' Somali peninsula. It encompasses both traditional and formal reconciliation processes and investigates their effectiveness in addressing clan-based conflicts and fostering national cohesion.
​Justice and Rule of Law: The state of the justice sector, including issues related to access to justice and the functionality of the legal system, is an essential research focus in the region. In addition to the formal actors, it also explores the role of customary and formal justice systems in state building and conflict resolution.
​Election and Political Processes: This research area assesses the electoral system (direct and indirect), voter registration, and the development of political parties. It also analyses the significance of elections in shaping political stability and representation in the region.
Capacity Development: This research area focuses on understanding the development and capacity of state institutions. It includes in-depth investigations into the functioning of key branches of government. In so doing, it evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration and the provision of essential services by government agencies. It also endeavours to assess strategies for enhancing the capacity of state institutions and civil servants.
These research priorities are pivotal to the region's ongoing state building journey. They provide a knowledge foundation that informs policies, strategies, and interventions aimed at achieving sustainable stability, governance, and development.